How to buy a house in Spain

The Spanish climate and lifestyle make the idea of buying a property in Spain very attractive. Just as you would do when buying a property at home it is essential that you do your homework and that you seek proper professional advice before signing any contract or parting with any money. Remember, the agent who is trying to sell will receive a handsome commission for doing so and while there a many reputable agents in Spain. Nevertheless, some may not have your interests at heart. When buying a property in Spain, research is vital.

In choosing your property you should give some serious thought to location to reflect your requirements. If the property is for use as a holiday home, do you wish to be near the sea or in the countryside close to the mountains?

If the property is for investment, you must have regard to the rental potential of the area.

Before signing any documents or parting with any money it essential that you take professional legal advice. Your solicitor will ensure that your interests are safe guarded and will carry out checks to ensure the following:

  • Who is the legal owner of the property.
  • Ensure that all building licenses have been properly obtained and that planning permission has been complied with.
  • Are there any mortgages or charges attaching to the property. That all utilities and taxes are paid up to date. Has any additional building work been carried out and if so, the legal status of this and whether or not it has been registered.
  • Ensure that all building licenses have been properly obtained and that planning permission has been complied with.

At House2Home Properties & Interiors we can help you finding and decorating your holiday and dream home.

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